Today is Game Day. Not just any game day. THE game day. The day when my Oregon Ducks rival the Oregon Beavers. This is a much anticipated day in the world of Oregon football. Every state and every team has their rival and it always brings out the crowds, the intensity, the not-so-civil behavior, and in the end, the winners and the losers.
Reflecting on previous years of the Civil War, I thought I'd share one of many favorite memories.
It all started when a parent stopped by after school, just shootin' the breeze, and in the midst, asked me in the most calculated way (I didn't notice at the time) what time I typically arrived at school. Clueless to her scheming ways, I replied that 7:30 was go time.

I watched as the potential suspect arrived. With a confused look on her face she came around inquiring about where all the beaver decor came from. This was a clue that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't her...Hmmmm, then who could it be?!
Soon enough the wired, students arrived, anxious for the day to start. However, one student stepped through the door and from her head to her chin, instant gloom came instilled. "Where did all the decorations go?" Like Sherlock Holmes, I then began to piece together the clues to gain clarity to the culprit.

Then I had to go and tear it all down. I'm a jerk. And I'm sorry for that. Do I regret it? No. Beaver colors are never allowed in my classroom. OK, maybe that's a stretch. But I did what was best for all Duck fans across the nation. You're welcome.
Cheers to a civil Civil War, and may the best team win. Go Ducks!!