Cowel neck by Michael Stars, jeans by MEK, heels by Report.
Tips to save money during the holiday season according to and none other than DJ Wolf:
Decide how much you can spend: Before you hop in your car to jet off to shopping madness, set a budget. Don't forget to include all the little things too, like postage, wrapping paper, and little stocking stuffer nick knacks.
Make a list and check it twice: Now make a list of people who you will buy gifts for, and based on your budget, decide how much you will spend on each person (including stocking stuffers!).
Pay with cash: This way, you will have a tangible way of knowing when enough is enough! You all know exactly what I'm talking about...That way, you will also not be recovering from Christmas for months to come!

Think of a credit card as a short term loan: Speaking of credit cards, if you absolutely have to use a credit card, make sure that you will be able to pay it off within the next month or so. Also be sure to use the credit card with the lowest interest rate, or cash back rewards.
Put yourself on your shopping list: Maybe this is against policy, but you know throughout the holiday season, you find an amazing deal here or there that you just can't pass up. Budget your splurge into the equation too.
Allow enough time for all your holiday preparations: With so many things to do; buying presents, wrapping presents, baking, shipping, cleaning, etc., plan ahead and allow extra time to get all of these things done. It's no fun to run last minute to the store, only to discover an empty shelf. This also helps you, your spouse and your kids to actually enjoy the season, rather than stress out.

Don't overlook the value of intangibles: Sometimes the most meaningful gifts are the intangibles. Maybe your friend has been ripping her hair out, not having any room to breathe with the endless family obligations - offer to babysit so she can have a night on the town with her honey. Are you in-laws heading out of town for the weekend? Offer to take care of their pets for the weekend. Already baking cookies for a bumpin' party? Make a double batch and take a plate to your neighbor. It's so easy to get wrapped up in buy, buy, buy, and often giving others the gift of your time is more valuable.
Send e-cards or an Elf Yourself video: These are more entertaining than snail mail cards and are free too!
Just say no to Toy Lust: This can be a great opportunity for you to teach your child - if you have one, or two, or ten - what it means to set a budget or make a realistic wish list. "Santa has to budget his money and supplies for all the boys and girls in the whole wide world."
Look for meaning over glitz: Just because you spend more money, it doesn't mean it's a better gift. Also, giving the gift of more time together, i.e. girls night out, by giving a Groupon or Living Social gift certificate, you're ensuring that you get more time to hang out together!
Plan ahead for next year: Do you have a big event coming up? Weddings, bachelorette parties, vacations, birthdays? Use this time during all the big After-Christmas sales to stock up for the year. This can save you money on things you will already have to buy down the road!
Do a gift exchange instead: Do you have a list of people to shop for that never ends? Do a gift exchange, draw a name for one other person, and instead of buying for 10, you've just cut your budget down by A. LOT.
Compare: Make sure to compare prices online prior to making your purchase. Just because it's in front of you at the store doesn't mean you need to buy it right then! Guilty as charged...
Online vs. in the store: Amazon is often times cheaper than the store and buying online will save you time and gas.
Shop after hours: Shop when stores first open or right before they close. You will save time and sanity and will avoid bumper to bumper traffic.
Above all else,
Remember the reason for the season: Boycott the Halmark Christmas and be intentional about doing activities that recenter yours and your family's hearts on the spiritual side. Whether you celebrate Hanukah, Kwanzaa or Christmas, join together in fellowship with one another and share joy this holiday season.
Cheers. Don't let 'Hallmark' win.