Monday, March 31, 2014
This morning, I walked into a staff development and was enthusiastically handed a ticket for some sort of raffle. I have a love-hate relationship with raffles, mainly because I never win. Then the moment I had been waiting for - the revealing of the raffle items! Drum roll please................Chairs. That's right - chairs. We didn't even get to keep them - if we won that is. The raffle was to use chairs during our staff development so our a$$es didn't hurt. It was kind of a joke since the reviews from our last staff development overwhelmingly requested 'less time on the benches'. But only in a school district would this be the prize to not-so-enthusiastic teachers, just coming off Spring Break - what they thought for a split second was an early retirement. Oh wait, we're Tier 3 - we'll be teaching until we're 90! Reeling it back in. I have to say, I would be happy for my a$$ to hurt if I won a King Size Snickers, or a jar of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, or even one Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. I even have a secret addiction to stove top popcorn. I'm always in need of a bag of kernels. Apparently I just revealed I'm a sucker for food...AND money. I always love winning money.
All this to say - I now have a hate-hate relationship with raffles and will only participate in raffles involving for-profit businesses ;).
Venting said with love,
Disclaimer - I'm thankful for my job, I like my school district, and did actually get a chuckle out of raffling off chairs. :)
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Knit sweater by Kersh, jeans by Joe's Jeans, sandals by Ugg Australia.
Speaking of 'Ugh'...back to work I go tomorrow! Spring Break is almost like a tease because we get just enough time to get comfortable in our laziness, and then have to wind back up to go on turbo booster for three more months. I know, I know, some of you don't get Spring Breaks and to you I say, "You should have been a teacher." On the bright side of all this, there will only be 50 days of school left, which is really weird to say but AMAZING at the same time!! Everybody hold your breath - it's go time.
Here's to survival mode. May all teachers make it to the finish line!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Sweatshirt by wkshp, tank by Avia, leggings and shoes by Nike.
If you're not sure where to start with your fitness, there are a couple apps that you can take on the go to give you guidance during your workout woes. Two apps that I really enjoy using are's BodySpace, and Nike's Nike Training App. Both will give you specific workouts and you can track your progress while you're at it. I am only suggesting these apps because this is what I have come across and found useful for myself - I am not sponsored by them (obviously, ha!!). If you're just starting your consistent exercise journey or are just looking for some change or direction, give them a shot!
In my comfies today! It was a "stay in out of the weather" kind of day and this is what it looked like for me! And sticking with the theme of fitness and motivation, no one says it better than Ah-nold Schwarzenegger...
Friday, March 28, 2014
Asymmetrical shirt by J Parks, jeans by Rock & Republic, booties by MIA.
To follow up yesterday's post, here is a little fitness motivation for you - no excuses!!
Burnout jacket by Free People, tee by Hurley, belt by Gap, jeans by Vince, booties by Trouve.
That being said, I've decided to work on eating clean - not 100% clean - gotta have my Oreo McFlurry every once and a while #guiltyascharged. But I've decided to take charge of my eating and not be a victim of my lack of self control. Is it OK to slip every once and a while? Yes. Is it Ok to slip all the time? Yes - but you'll regret it, physically and mentally. If you've been following my blog, you read about how women starting at the age of thirty lose muscle tone gradually over time. So this week I more intentionally began my journey of weight lifting and hot yoga - a phenomenal combination. I'm tellin' ya - if you haven't tried hot yoga - DO IT!! In combination with that, I'm hoping that my healthy eating will pay off in the long run.
I did some grocery shopping to continue my "mostly" clean eating and my strategy when at the grocery store is to only shop around the perimeter of the store. This is where perishables are stored, which also means you're getting the natural foods with no additives. Even though the middle isles may have healthy foods, it's pretty amazing how long the ingredient list is, which most often includes sugar, high fructose corn syrup, random ingredients you can't pronounce, etc.
Think simple, and reduce high-fat foods like cheese, and cut down on sugar loading simply by having only one drink instead of two or none instead of one, or just saying no to the staff room goodies...
With the combo of simple foods, high intensity exercise (make sure you're lifting weights!), patience and determination, you body and mind will thank you! Get your healthy habits started no, stay committed and you'll see results sooner than you think!
Think simple. Eat healthy. Exercise more.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Sweater by Michael Stars, leggings by B.P., boots by Loeffler Randall.
Goal of my outfit today? To be cozy and presentable in public. My main accomplishment of the day was trying a new recipe using beets - which are known to be high in iron. I have an iron deficiency, so I've been attempting to find new ways to add iron into my diet. Hence me making a beet & blood orange salad tonight! Though my didn't look nearly as beautiful as hers, I'm sure it tasted the same. And not only was it my first time making this recipe, I'm sad to day that this was the first time I've ever made a vinaigrette from scratch, booya! Pretty sure I haven't used the term 'booya' since making a legit comeback against my brother in the fifth grade...
Not only did I make the salad and my first vinaigrette, but I also baked chicken, and here's how I did it.
- Preheat oven to 350.
- Place chicken breasts in a glass pan.
- Squeeze 2 halves of a lemon evenly over the chicken.
- Slice the peel off the second lemon and slice into rounds. Place evenly on top of the chicken.
- Add ground pepper, minced shallots and rosemary to taste.
- Bake in oven for about 30 minutes.
Voila! Take a bite into juicy, citrusy chicken!
Try both the recipes out if you're in the doom and gloom of the rain. This will take you to a happy, sun-filled place!
Jacket by Lucy Love, jean shorts by Fossil, flip flops by Rainbow.
One day in the seventies is better than no days in the seventies right? Basking in the sun seemed like the appropriate task in the mid-afternoon and I loved every second of it. Is my outfit amazing? Absolutely not. Is this what I threw on before going down to the patio since it's spring break and I have no plans on purpose? Yes. Now, if I could only get rid of these pasty white legs of mine...
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Sweater by 525 America, dress by eight sixty, belt by Gap, booties from Italy.
Shirt and jacket by Nike, jeans by Plastic by Gly, wedges by Guess.
Well I wore my Duck pride today, but it just wasn't enough to nudge Oregon to the Sweet Sixteen - ugh! I was rooting for them to the last second though and they're still my favorite ;). So we'll see how my bracket ends up panning out after this. But I'm pretty sure there have been WAY too many upsets for my bracket to stay alive - still keep my fingers crossed!
For the love of the game,
Scarf from T.J.MAXX, tee by Imaginary Voyage, jeans by Anoname, flats by BCBG.
Tonight (Friday night) I was honored to see Hanneke Cassel, Mike Block, and Christopher Lewis perform as a trio at the Tualatin Grange Hall. Hearing their melodies and harmonies melt together into a rainbow of sound, and the Scottish jigs begging me to stand to my feet dancing freely, I had a smile from ear to ear watching their energy on stage. Jokingly bantering with each other and never missing a beat within each song, they had a unique chemistry - a rare treat!
One of the last pieces they performed was It is Well With My Soul (follow the link to read the story behind the song). In all honesty, it was the most beautiful and moving rendition of that piece I've ever heard. People were so captured by it, there was even a moment after the last note was played where even in silence, the piece was echoing on. I almost didn't want to clap to ruin the musical and emotional moment left hanging in the air.
This was just the musical medicine I needed to start off my spring break right. Check out their music - you won't regret it!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Sweater by Eber International (vintage), leggings by B.P., boots by Steve Madden.
Congrats! We've weathered the winter and have finally arrived at SPRING!! The Sun shone periodically throughout the day and I have to say, I think the Groundhog was pretty accurate with his forecast. With report cards complete and Spring Break within reach, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
With that, I leave you with this poem:
Spring is life
Spring is hope
So is love and
Spring renews.
Without spring,
life is forlorn.
Spring is nostalgia
after bitter storm.
Put spring in your heart.
Spring is hope
So is love and
Spring renews.
Without spring,
life is forlorn.
Spring is nostalgia
after bitter storm.
Put spring in your heart.
By Archie Greenidge
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Cardigan by H&M, t shirt by Xhileration, belt by Gap, jeans by Vince, flats by Nine West.
I stepped in to a scorching hot bikram yoga studio today for the second time. Not having done much research on this style of meditation/exercise, I thought I might do a little research and educate you while I was at it. Here are some positive gains as well as drawbacks to consider.
- Your range of flexibility will increase because muscles and joints are loosened due to the heat.
- Your muscles will become more toned and stronger.
- You will strengthen your spine.
- Sweat will (profusely spill out of your body!!)cause your body to release/remove toxins.
- Sweat will also cause you to decrease your susceptibility to skin illnesses.
- It can also expedite weight loss.
- Blood circulation will improve.
- Your heart will become stronger.
- It can increase your immune system.
- It teaches you discipline and reduces stress.
- There is potential for injury due to deeper stretching and complex poses/moves.
- During Bikram yoga or shortly after,one may experience nausea or dizziness.
You can do your own research to support or deny what I've found, but looking at the pros vs. cons, I'm sold!
One thing to remember is make sure to drink a lot of H2O the night before and the day of (not too much just before class)and load up after too. Basically drink as much water as we're supposed to drink anyway ;)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Tank by H.I.P, sweater by XOXO, jeans by Citizens of Humanity, wedges by Guess.
Are you as excited about the sun showing it's bright and shiny face as I am?? I couldn't be more ecstatic! To celebrate, I thought this would be a perfect time to point out the top five essentials of your spring/summer transitional wardrobe. To start off, one should only wear white between Memorial Day and Labor Day? Wrong! I say if it's dry, sport the white! Life's too short to leave your pretty whites in the closet. So if you're looking to add a little white to your wardrobe this spring, find the perfect white dress (like this one!).
Next, if you're wanting a more casual look, every one loves a girl in her baseball cap. Then you don't have to worry about your hair either. Let's just say you may be seeing me in my baseball cap a lot this summer ;).
And of course, we don't always want to lug our GIANT purses around everywhere. If you're just hittin' the beach, runnin pool side with a friend, or having a lunch date basking in the sun, we want to
travel light. If you're looking to update your handbag, consider a petite purse for your basic essentials.

As always, and especially in Oregon, there is always a need for a light cardigan. If I were to choose, I would definitely go for a white sweater. But no matter what, go for a neutral. Think about what colors you have the most of and play off that.
Don't forget - think need versus want and if you decide you're going with your wants, stick to a budget. ;)
Thinking Spring!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Hoodie by Retro Brand, tank by James Perse, jeans by Joes Jeans, kicks by Steve Madden.
Happy St. Paddy's Day!
An Irish blessing
May the Road Rise up to Meet You
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
the rains fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Hat by Forever 21, Sweater by Frederick of Hollywood, jeans by Seven For All Mankind, flats by Bandolino.
Nothing feels better than completing your taxes and seeing dollar signs after completing your tax return. It's one of those taxing things that lingers over your head until you finally do them - weary of whether or not you will owe this time around. Today was that magical day for me, and thanks to online software, I completed it in less than an hour.
As Benjamin Franklin said,
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
It's unfortunate but true, so one might as well face the challenge of taxes with one eye peeking open and fingers crossed.
I hope your tax return is all about the Benjamins.
My outfit today is definitely nothing exciting, but this is real life! I went out with Dj and a couple of our friends and played frisbee in the glorious sunshine, so I needed my comfies on. With today being such a low key day, I wore this get up all day long and loved every second of it!
Make time for fresh air.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Tank by Bershka, sweater by Sparrow, jeans by Seven for All Mankind, wedges by Guess.
Do not spoil what you have, by desiring what you have not; but remember what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.
Now it's time for my Friday.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Tank and scarf (attached) by Remain, sweater by H&M, jeans by Rock & Republic, booties by MIA.
I'm excited to say, I'm finally into the 200's for my blog! Though not too far beyond the halfway mark, there's something about starting with a 2 that's satisfying. Also satisfying is the fact that today marks the end of the second trimester of school! With report cards and gobs of grading still ahead of me, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With my blog, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I also took a nap after work. Today is a good day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Blouse by Pleione, skinnies by Mine, heels by Cole Haan.
(I think I'm going on Day 3 with no makeup...Nakey face.)
I had two firsts today. One, I saw a doose for the first time, and two I took a hot yoga class for the first time. Oh, have you not heard of a doose before? Well let me inform you. This one time, a goose and a duck made eyes at each other from across the shimmering lake. As they swam towards each other, they just knew it was love at last! Not too long after, they got married, flew south for the winter - and their honeymoon ;), and low and behold on their flight back there was +1...I will just say, I didn't ask for details when they were telling me about their winter...I was also distracted by the worlds largest doose in the baby carrier next to them! They had procreated a duck-like flying thing the size of Antarctica! What's funny, is this doose seems to have no idea how large it is and kicks it with the other ducks in town. Because Doose has their back, all the other ducks finally have the guts to stand up to the mean, hissing geese who bully all the ducks around the once peaceful pond.
Now if only there were deuce doose...or would it be deese?
Insert true version here - I walked around the lake with my friend Megan, and she said, "Hey that's a really big duck." And I said, Hmmm, I think it's a goose." And then we waited because we couldn't see its head (in the water). Then I said, "Holy crap that's a doose!"
And lastly, hot yoga equals being wrung out like a wet rag! Though suffocating through the thick, hot air and almost passing out twice (not really - but felt like it), it was really a great experience. Really it was...But in all honesty, I actually liked it a lot. It's one of those workouts where you don't want to eat any sugar/unhealthy food afterwards because you feel so good!
Cheers to firsts!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Sweater by Two Apples, belt from Mapel Boutique, dress by Forever 21, wedges by Merona.
Today I was thrilled to slip into one of my favorite high-low dresses, though it was still a little chilly! Finally able to wear my shades and confidently open the sunroof, I turned on a little country music and all was well with the world.
I have to say, I didn't have high hopes for the weather today, but it turned out beautiful! I couldn't wait to get outside when I got home. Walking/running through the park breathing in the scents of spring, hearing the river trickle downstream, the dogs barking playfully in the park, spring was and still in definitely in the air!
Cheers to spring and just a little more daylight ;)
Monday, March 10, 2014
Sweater by Kersh, slacks by Faisca, heels by Naughty Monkey.
For #1, Dance it out to Ring the Alarm by Beyonce...I'm just sayin'.
For #4, breathing helps most problems in general.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Weather check? It's looking up. Though today is overcast, I just had to bring out a pop of color! Still not wanting to show my pasty white legs, I snatched one of my maxi dresses, threw over a basic tee, and tied one side of it in a knot #flashbacktotheeighties - this is a style I've seen on Pinterest and always wanted to try. I'll obviously throw a jacket on to stay warm, but I'm just sick of sweaters and skinnies as of late!! Another way I might wear this outfit is with a scarf and big earrings. Instead, I chose to wear a necklace that ties in with the pink maxi.
Mix it up ladies!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Scarf refashioned from linen dress, vest from BCBG, pants by ??, booties from Italy.
Tonight I had the opportunity to take photos for an 80th birthday party for the father of a good friend. While at the event, I also had the opportunity to listen to the sweetest version of "What a Wonderful World" by the birthday boy playing a heart felt harmonica. Backing him up were the strums of a guitar and a smooth piano melody. After joining in on the sing along, the music was concluded with a Happy Birthday Song for a well deserving man, after which he was prompted to give a speech.
Though in no way can I attempt to recreate the selfless, generous, speech which turned the limelight not on himself but on the others in the room, one thing I walked away with was a gem I will always cherish. In sharing about the importance of his music, he explained that choosing to learn how to play the harmonica has been something he has been able to take with him up to and beyond his eightieth year, he can entertain others, and feed his own soul. And for that, he is thankful.
Music is a gift to oneself. Music is a gift to others.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Button up by Truth, scarf from T.J. MAXX, jeans by Cello, loafers by Me Too.
Turn a listening ear
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Sweater by Free People, coated skinnies by Rich & Skinny, fur lined booties by Michael Kors.
Oh yes it's ladies night and I had the honor of hanging out with a couple of my girlfriends tonight over happy hour at Brix Tavern. I'd never been there before, and I have to say - FAB happy hour! They have great prices on food and $4 martinis! What's even better is they have paper table cloths, my favorite. What's even better is I had a few minutes before my friends were going to get there so I was able to draw! To the right is the pic I drew. After I drew it, I decided it looked like Cher - though her voice and jaw bone are that of a man's...I guess this is her effeminate portraiture ;). My server wanted to keep it so she put it up in the kitchen before I was able to order my food.
I love to draw and I don't take enough time to do it. Must. Make. Time.
Make time for the things you love to do.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Top by BCBG, belt by BCBG, pants by Forever 21, heels by MIA.
Today was Fat Wednesday. Some call it Ash Wednesday, but I still needed to make my Paczkis (Recipe Here), so I added more flour, told that ball of dough who's boss, and fried the paczkis. Some, cinnamon apple filled and some boysenberry jam filled, there were only a few jets of hot oil that shot across the kitchen, only a few unexpected giant flames coming from the burner, and I only had to deep fry them twice, since the first time I didn't do it long enough...It's a good thing my boyfriend was nearby to dial any necessary three digit numbers for "assistance" if it came down to it. All said and done, they were delicious! It's definitely not something I would make very often, one - because I risked my life, and two - I hear paczkis like to hang around the hips...
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Vintage cropped sweater from my mama, jeans by Rock & Republic, leopard print heels by Kelly & Katie.
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Happy Fat Tuesday! What an awful name for a mildly celebrated holiday, depending on your neck of the woods. If one didn't know the purpose/meaning behind the holiday, people might just run the other direction - fast. My boyfriend attempted to run the other direction fast when he saw me bust out the feathered masks...Much to his chagrin, I got a selfie with him. He strained to stance a game face, but I tickled him. Selfies and tickling make for very blurry pictures I hear.
So my friend Ashleigh is actually from Louisiana, so she has an excuse to celebrate this silly holiday, but as you can see, I decided to jump on the bandwagon. It's so fun! You get to eat jambalaya, eat Kings Cake or attempt to make Polish Paczkis! I made jambalaya and then attempted to make Paczkis - basically a jelly or baked apple filled isn't going well so far...and seeing as it's 9:45 pm...I'm thinking this may be a morning or evening gig for tomorrow. Eating Paczkis a day after Fat Tuesday? Who's keeping track?
Whether you participate in the season of Lent which comes after the amazing Fat Tuesday, or you try to use self-control in tempting areas of your life year round, self betterment is always a plus. So you should do that. However, all things, or most, go out the window on Fat Tuesday. I'll let you know how these Paczkis work out when I'm celebrating Fat Wednesday tomorrow ; )
PS~Don't forget to check out yesterday's post!
PS~Don't forget to check out yesterday's post!
Monday, March 3, 2014
Dress by Tart, heels by Cole Haan.
First of all, I'm a sucker for all things asymmetrical. Second of all, I ate the last of the Samoas. Am I devastated? Yes. Will I cry myself to sleep? Yes. Am I ecstatic that those melt-in-your-mouth cookies will no longer be staring me straight between the eyeballs, taunting me from the moment I get home at night to the moment I step foot out the door the next morning? Absolutely.
Off to cry myself to sleep,
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Tank by Staring at Stars, scarf by ??, jeans by Plastic By Gly, booties from Italy.
Stove top popcorn? Check. Tavola wine by Ponzi Vineyards? Check. Antenna strategically placed so that I get a clear picture for the oscars? Check. Fabric to make my kitties their own Oscars formal wear? Check. Sewing machine working properly? Uncheck.
Yeah, about that....So I had this grandiose plan to copy one or two of the favorite Oscars dresses and do a quick photo shoot of the kitties hammin' it up for the camera for today's blog post. As I began sewing the goods, the needle got stuck, bending just at the point. Of course there are no spares, so the kitty formals will take a rain check.
#Firstworldproblems aside, Ain't no Oscars like the Oscars hosted by Ellen! If anyone knows how to get Pharrell, Brad Pitt, and Merrill Streep laughing all the same time, she has the magic touch and Ellen's the girl for the job. What made her magic touch a dead giveaway was when she pranced onto the stage in a fairy godmother getup.
Enough about Ellen, let's talk fashion!! This year's Oscars brought a vast array of style, elegance, and swagger. From Sandra Bullock in her Alexander McQueen navy, sophisticated gown, to Amy Adams in her navy, peplum dress by Gucci, both effortlessly wore their classic styles on the red carpet. Just as glamorous? Jennifer Lawrence in her red, strapless peplum gown. Not as glamorous? Tripping for the second time. I have to say though, I feel a bit of relief in seeing her fall as this means these gorgeous women and men aren't perfect either! Lastly, in simple elegance, Lupita Nyong'o wearing her Prada plunging neckline, pleated baby blue dress. After watching a clip of her performance in 12 Years a Slave, and hearing her heart-felt speech, there is no one more deserving than her of that Academy Award.
As for the men, though Pharrell can pull off the bermuda shorts as a part of his suit and tie style, I have to say, I'm not sure he kept it classy enough this round. And Jared Leto? I can't say I saw his speech, but regardless, I was too distracted by his crazy hair!! Cut the hair Jared, cut the hair.
Best speech? Matthew McConaughey. "Someone to look up to, something to look forward to, and someone to chase." I agree completely with his "...looking up to God." I also believe that family and friends are the most important gift we have, and I concur looking forward to my time with them. Lastly, he says he needs someone to chase. At first I thought he came across as if he were riding just a little high on his horse when he stated that the person he was chasing was him - ten years down the road. After contemplating it a little longer, I connected it to always striving for the best and seeking to better yourself, no matter how high a mountain you've climbed.
Finally, to conclude the Oscars, 12 Years a Slave won Best Picture! This is honestly the number one picture I want to see after watching the Oscars, though many others are a close second. In summary, I absolutely loved the classic, old hollywood style, and the fabulous films being showcased. And maybe next year, my kitties will get their formal gowns...
Glamorously yours,
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Shawl by Cynthia Rowley, long sleeve shirt by O.P., jeans by Paige, loafers by Sanuk.
This shawl is actually a sweater vest. When I was putting it away one day, I was folding it, and discovered that by folding it in half a strategic way, the armholes lined up. Then I thought, "Hmmmm, I just might be able to put my head through that hole..." And viola! I've now added a shawl to my wardrobe without spending money.
Urgency. To be honest, I tend to operate on urgency. Whatever is most important is what I tackle first. And the cycle continues. Many years ago, I learned an interesting strategy in prioritizing tasks. Obviously there are many ways to go about this and recently in one of my posts, I talked about organizing a to do list based on the amount of time a task would take. With the urgency strategy, one would categorize his/her tasks into four compartments. Here is an example of how they would be organized clockwise from the top left of a 4-compartment box:
- Urgent/Important.
- finish my report cards
- Plan out what's for dinner
- Feed the cats in the morning
- Urgent/Unimportant
- Take out the garbage
- Pack lunches for work tomorrow
- Insert something else that seems urgent/unimportant here...
- Not Urgent/Important
- Call my friend to follow up about plans for coffee
- Laundry
- Get the oil changed in my car
- Not Urgent/Unimportant
- Reorganize my closet
- Mending my clothes
- Catch up on the last episode of my favorite TV show
As you can see, I'm still prioritizing my task list, but in a different way. This strategy can help one to minimize stress by eliminating the urgent tasks first, then getting to the other tasks as time allows. The only down side to this strategy is by the time you finally figure out which category a task should be in, you could have completed it already! In that scenario however, I would recommend narrowing it down to Urgent vs. Not Urgent.
Happy First of March!
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