I love this dress. I got it at the Nordstrom Sale and would wear it every day if that were allowed and widely accepted by fashion police across the nations...I love the modern and random conglomeration of prints, I love that the back of the dress doesn't have to try. It can be black therefore balancing out the front of the dress. I also love that it's a high-low dress, but not too high-low. AND I love that it's modest. Hard to find these days, people.

What can we do to maximize our time and increase our success? For starters, I could get my butt in bed on time, which cascades into getting up on time, which cascades into leaving early for work, events, etc. That's a start. What about wasted time. Let's talk about our evenings. I work out after work, figure out dinner, eat dinner, write my blog. Then what? Watch the news? No thank you. You might as well hook up an IV of antidepressants while you're at it. There's potentially (give or take) about 3 hours that are completely in your hands.

What are you doing with your time?
Sara's red jacket is by BCBG. She wasn't the only person wearing red. As you can tell from previous street style posts, red is all the rave ladies and gentleman. Wearing a blazer with a basic or retro t-shirt is a great way to stay classy, but casual, and throw in a splash of leopard print and a pair of holy jeans and you've got yourself an outfit.
But can we just take a minute and talk about the guy in the back with an orange shirt, green shorts, and a white baseball hat....?
Thanks for sharing your perfected style Sara!
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