Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Blazer by Love Tree, blouse by Romeo & Juliet, capris by Banana Republic, shoes by Nine West.

Today I'm wearing flats for once in my life.  I can't just leave all my heels sitting lonely in the closet.  Must. Wear. Them.  But today I gave my feet a break.  On the other end of my outfit, I'm wearing a blazer.  The classic blazer.  If you don't have one, go to the nearest clothing store immediately and get one.  If it's in the budget of course.  They are flattering on all body types, they never go out of style, and if you get a blazer that's good quality, it will last forever.

I also wanted to wear a bright colored blazer because I have officially survived 1/12 of my 365 project!!  That makes it not sound so bad, huh?  Piece of cake.  I only have to do what I've done 11 more times.  Hmmm, 30 X 11...K wait, I don't think I want to do the math.  Anyway, looking back on just these last 30 days, it's been interesting to see how my blog has evolved. From writing, to my images, I'm hoping that I can continue to improve my skills, and learn from previous mistakes, such as not writing my blog until I get home late at night...

I was actually talking to my class about that very same thing yesterday during my "Rules To Live By."  We talked about how no one is perfect, we all make mistakes.  I asked my class to raise their hands if they have ever made a mistake, and every hand was up.  No one is perfect.  It's so easy to point out the imperfections in our spouses, children, family members, friends.  But it can be even easier to find imperfections in ourselves.  What's even crazier, is we find imperfections in ourselves that don't even exist, but that's for another day's blog...

For the imperfections that actually exist or the mistakes that we make, we have two choices.  We can ignore them, or we can tend to them.  We can step up to the plate, or we can shove them under the rug.  Which option is the easiest?  Apathy of course!  Who doesn't love a little apathy with their coffee in the morning?  But just like coffee, apathy only gets you so far, if anywhere at all.  

I told my students yesterday, whenever they make a mistake they have control of, to ask themselves, What can I do differently next time?  Though we are imperfect, we can still strive for change and growth.  Embrace your mistakes, learn from your mistakes.  

What can you do differently next time?



  1. Are you familiar with Brene Brown!? She talks a lot about perfection/imperfection. I like her empowering philosophy..."you are imperfect and wired for struggle, so own your story, walk right into it, and you can choose your ending..." There are an infinite amount of do-overs. ;o)

    1. I'm not familiar with Brene Brown, but I will have to check her stuff out! It is true, we are not perfect, we will always have do-overs and we should strive to refine ourselves as we continue to learn from our past experiences. Thanks for your post Judy Moody :)
