Thursday, April 17, 2014


Going off the theme, "Variety is the spice of life," that's how I like my workouts. Spicy.  Therefore, off to the pool I swam last night.  I used to swim a lot, and have to give credit to my swim conditioning class in college for my courage to attempt strokes like the butterfly, and holding my breath for five strokes instead of three...  Though I would put myself in the category of, "Holy crap I'm claustrophobic and don't like small, confined spaces," for some reason, I'm able to take a dip in the pool - especially the swim lanes - and stay for a while.

Staying with the theme of spice, while I'm swimming, I also can't do the same stroke over and over. BORING! So I choose a few strokes and alternate each time I go down and back. This helps the time pass, and I forget that I'm actually intentionally doing a workout where I restrict my breathing...Regardless, swimming is one of the best forms of exercise one can do. It's great cardio, great core strengthening, builds endurance, and much, much more!!  (Do a little research and you'll want to jump right in!)

It turns out that it only costs $5 at my local public pool and I'm sure it's about the same for you too! Swimming even just once a week may be just what you need. So I don't know about you but I'm going to just keep swimming, just keep swimming...



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