Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Tee by Xhilaration, skirt is a vintage hand-me-down from my mom, booties by Vince Camuto.

Growing up, I always had my hair in a braid of some sort, or hideous bangs that we won't speak
of...but as I was browsing Pinterest last night, I came across a mow-hawk braid that looked really cool. I wasn't really sure if I could pull it off, but thought I'd give it a shot. Not having a mirror as a guide didn't make things any easier but I made it happen. Here's how I did it:

  1. Divide your hair into three columns.
  2. Start at the top of your head, in the middle column, with three strands. 
  3. Loosely braid the middle column of hair all
    the way to the bottom of your hair line.
  4. Pull the two side columns tightly down to the bottom of the braid and use a ponytail to secure all of your hair.
  5. Next, loosen the ponytail a little bit, and (in my case with medium length hair) tuck the end of the ponytail underneath and up into the braid to hide the ponytail. The gal in the first pic just braided the ends separately - so give that a shot if you have longer hair.
  6. Voila! Mow-hawk braid! Though mine doesn't look A-mazing, my disclaimer is that it was my first time, the pic was taken later in the day, and I didn't use product!! The end.


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