Thursday, May 15, 2014


Hat by Aldo, sweater by Hurley, jeans by Rich & Skinny, booties from Italy.

Mothers must be thanked. They deserve to have at least one day dedicated to them, if not nine or ten. Their work, their dedication, their endless commitment seeing to it that their children become successful adults starting from mere footsteps and bottle-feeds is truly impressive. Their sensitivity to their emotional daughters and - at times - tolerance of "let's hope they don't kill themselves doing stupid things" sons leaves me in awe. Mothers don't quit. Mothers put their families first before themselves. Mothers don't take credit though they deserve it. Mothers know things about their children that even their children don't know about themselves. Mothers fight for truth, integrity, honesty, and their children establishing self-worth.  Mothers put up with their children in middle school - nuf said. Mothers go to every performance, competition, or game - home or away. Mothers teach their children how to cook. Mothers are compassionate whenever there's a bad day. Mothers are a child's best advocate and a constructive critic. Mothers help keep their children rooted but also give them wings.

Thank you Mom for all you are to me.  Thank you for your endless dedication, your sacrificial love, for modeling strength, integrity, dedication, compassion, sensitivity, and healthy communication. You are an amazing woman and I owe so much to you for raising me and being my number one fan!  I love you so much and everything above is a direct description of who you have been as a mother to me. If I can be anywhere near as outstanding of a mother as you have been, I will consider it a success. I love you!!

Jump shot in front of Car Henge - in the middle of Nebraska (our roots)

My wings are a work in progress - I just have to keep watchin' my Mama.


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