Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Cardigan by H&M, t shirt by Xhileration, belt by Gap, jeans by Vince, flats by Nine West.

I stepped in to a scorching hot bikram yoga studio today for the second time.  Not having done much research on this style of meditation/exercise, I thought I might do a little research and educate you while I was at it.  Here are some positive gains as well as drawbacks to consider.

  1. Your range of flexibility will increase because muscles and joints are loosened due to the heat.
  2. Your muscles will become more toned and stronger.
  3. You will strengthen your spine.
  4. Sweat will (profusely spill out of your body!!)cause your body to release/remove toxins.
  5. Sweat will also cause you to decrease your susceptibility to skin illnesses.
  6. It can also expedite weight loss.
  7. Blood circulation will improve.
  8. Your heart will become stronger.
  9. It can increase your immune system.
  10. It teaches you discipline and reduces stress.
  1. There is potential for injury due to deeper stretching and complex poses/moves.
  2. During Bikram yoga or shortly after,one may experience nausea or dizziness.
You can do your own research to support or deny what I've found, but looking at the pros vs. cons, I'm sold!

One thing to remember is make sure to drink a lot of H2O the night before and the day of (not too much just before class)and load up after too.  Basically drink as much water as we're supposed to drink anyway ;)



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