Thursday, January 23, 2014


#badhairday #everydayisabadhairday
Sweater by Linda Matthews-New York, peplum top by Valerie Bertinelli, coated skinnies by Rich and Skinny, booties by MIA.

I hate to admit it, but I'm finally now just back in the swing of things as far as working out goes. And it feels good. During the workouts it's not always fun, but feeling sore afterwards is one of the most invigorating feelings ever! 

The other day, I was having a conversation with my Mom and she told me that she and some of her colleagues are going to do a push up challenge. I got to thinking that might be a fun thing to do with my staff as well. So I threw it out to the staff to join me in working towards doing 100 push ups within a 30 minute time period (at one's own pace) and also be able to do at least a 90 second plank by March 13th (the Thursday before Spring Break). Then I got to thinking again (that can get dangerous...) and I thought, "Why not throw out the challenge to my blog readers too?!" So here is goes.

I challenge you to:
  1. Be able to do 100 push ups (Good form people!) in a time span of 30 minutes.
  2. Be able to do a 90 second plank without your knees touching the ground.
If you start today with two push ups and add two push ups each day, on Thursday, 3/13 you will be able to do 100 push ups!! Leave a message in my comment section below or on my Facebook page if you're in. Then we can be moral support for each other and be fit for Spring Break!

Even if you can't quite make it to 100 in 30 minutes, no problem. That's just a number to shoot for. If you're consistently doing push ups and planks every day, you will be more fit than if you didn't!

One tip is to do push ups and planks during commercials, every fifteen minutes while you're on your computer, or first thing in the morning to energize yourself for the day.

Let me know if you're in - I'd love to have moral support and an encouraging team on this journey and I would love to encourage you too!!



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