Friday, January 31, 2014


Sweatshirt by Rendered Printing, jeans by Vince, kicks by Nike.

During class today, I was talking to my students about how it's important to take ownership of their own educations. I can provide instruction, and make things interesting for them, but in the end, they have to choose to learn. Obviously every student learns in different ways and that's a whole different discussion, but the fact that if they kick back and relax, they're not going to get the same education as if they put 100% into everything they do whether it's an extremely engaging activity or worksheet practice.

I see this also applying to adults. We get out of it what we put into it. It doesn't matter what it is we're attempting - a college degree, a career, a change in career, making a relationship work, raising your kids...whatever we put into it is ultimately what we get out of it.

So I challenge you, whatever your endeavors, to give 100%, even when it's hard.


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