Saturday, January 25, 2014


Sweater by Mossimo, jeans by Anoname, heels by Vince, scarf refashioned from a dress.

I swear every time I buy a Groupon, I don't use it until right before it's going to expire or I miss the date it expires and then only have the value of what I actually paid. Today was not going to be one of those days. In an attempt to beat the expiration date, my boyfriend, Megan, Lindsay and I headed out to Ardiri Winery in the boondocks, also known as Cornelius. With a view of Mount hood and earth toned hills rolling beyond the horizon, the beat of my heart slowed, I soaked in the sun (and the heat from the fire place...) and embraced this simple momentary getaway. Pleasantly surprised - Lindsay brought guacamole (Jennica Crack), torilla chips, pineapple, and pretzels and single-handedly changed my life. Catching up on life couldn't have been more delightful! I'm so thankful for friends and a boyfriend who are willing to be spontaneous and adventurous at any given time.
To top the day off, my mom and I took a painting class from Vine Gogh Artist Bar! Below is a pic of the final product. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my mom and I would be painting on canvas, elbow to elbow, but it's one of our favorite hobbies to share together!



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