Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Dress by Tart, sandals by Jessica Simpson.

Grace by definition can only be received with no means of repayment and can only be given without expectations of being repaid. I have been imperfect (understatement...) in my life and have had to receive grace, even recently. I have also had to extend grace to others in their own times of imperfection - sometimes when I least wanted to give it. 

Giving and receiving grace is hard. I can say during the times when I have received grace it has been the most humbling times in my life. Yet in giving grace, I am also humbled as I recognize that no one is perfect - even the people in my life I had on a pedestal.

My mom recently told me about a sermon that was given at her church and it hit home for me - maybe the timing of it, or maybe the novelty of it, but here's the brief summary.

A farmer said to his workers, you must wait to pull the weeds out because you will pull the wheat out with them. You must wait until the wheat is ready to harvest in order to save the wheat. The workers then waited and were able to harvest more wheat.

The pastor compared this story to our own lives, stating that a lot of times we see ourselves as the wheat and everyone else as the weeds, when in reality, sometimes it's us that are the weeds. Once we recognize our own weeds, then we must go forward working hard to be the wheat, and then have grace for the weeds in our pasture, as we know what it is like to have been the weeds ourselves.



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