Sunday, July 27, 2014


I'm so excited because today I was a guest on The Strange in the City, a podcast set to begin August 1st! ('Like' it on Facebook!) I'm not sure which episode I will be on, but I will definitely keep you posted. Josephine, the host, is a spunky, high-energy gal with a witty response to whatever you throw at her. She thrives off of humor and loves to dig deep on controversial or entertaining topics, but does so with poise. I can tell you this - there will never be a dull moment on her podcast. 

While I was a guest, she asked me to share a little bit about my blog and we got into some other interesting topics as well. I'm a little nervous to hear it though because I really don't like the sound of my recorded voice, ha! I swear my voice sounds so weird. Anyway, it should be a fun adventure as I will have more opportunities as a guest here and there and we will explore other new, exciting subjects.

Take a listen and don't judge! ;)


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