Thursday, February 13, 2014


Scarf by Shokay, tank by Hinge, necklace and bracelets by Ann Taylor, skirt by BCBG, heels by Cole Haan.

happy valentines day!
With tomorrow being Valentines Day, I'm sure a lot of people have plans, whether with friends, significant others, or to stay home and stay out of the chaos. Whatever your plans, one has to plan what to wear! Fashionistas, don't panic. Everything will be Ok. I urge you to not rush out and buy something new just so you don't have to dig through your closet. Save some bucks and take some advice from me. Below are some suggested types of outfits to cure your wardrobe woes.

  1. Scenario - Going on a date with your significant other: Clearly we've sealed the deal, or close enough, but that doesn't mean we don't need to bring a little sass to the table. Push Frumpty Dumpty off the wall, and say good riddance! If you're going somewhere fancy, you can never go wrong with a LBD (little black dress). If you're keeping it casual but still want to look nice, jeans, heels, and a classic blazer will do the trick.
  2. Scenario - First Date: I would go for a fun, flirty dress, statement necklace, babydoll heels, and do whatever amazing things you do with your hair (don't take advice from me in that category...).But by all means, keep it classy ladies! We want guys to know we're more than just good looks! 
  3. Scenario - Hangin' with all your single friends, out on the town: Go for a fun tribal print skirt, heels and a flowey, silky tank. Don't try too hard on your hair - keep it basic. 
  4. Scenario - Staying home, bah humbug: Leggings, hoodie, and some kick @$$ slippers! And messy hair! Because it doesn't matter, and giiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrl, you can do what you want.
Whatever you do tomorrow, stand tall, and don't let a Hallmark holiday define your worth.



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