Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Dress by Kersh. tights from Nordstrom, booties by Trouve.

Today, I attempted a Pinterest craft project with my class. My ultimate goal was to have students create a functional gift for their parents for Christmas, but wanted something that wasn't too complicated for kids, AND turned out cute in the end.

I ended up having my class make glitter reindeer on canvas. It's pretty basic and turns out looking modern. Here are the steps:

1. Buy a 9X12 canvas (or something close to that size)
2. Paint the canvas white if you would like, or leave it plain.
3. Print out a silhouette of a reindeer (or other silhouette of your choice).
4. Cut it out.
5. Trace it on the canvas.
6. Brush Mod Podge onto canvas to the edge of your tracing.
7. Sprinkle glitter on your canvas.
8. Let dry for a few minutes.  
9. Shake off extra glitter onto a plate to save for another craft project.
10. Hang for all to see!!

Now You would think that glitter wouldn't get too far from the tables and that we would be able to keep things pretty tame...Glitter. Was. Everywhere. After the craft, I humbly went to my custodian and asked to borrow the backpack vacuum and proceeded to vacuum for my entire lunch break...Oh man...This was the first, and will be the last attempt at using glitter with 28 fifth graders. However, I have to say, they were VERY helpful in cleaning up afterwards!!

In the end, it was totally worth it, and I'm hoping the parents appreciate their new wall art ;).

My coworker insisted on getting a picture of this...


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