Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Dress by Bailey 44 from Anthropologie, sweater by BCBG, heels by Preview International.

I LOVE this dress. It's comfortable, modest, colorful, and I can just slip it on and walk out the door. The other great things about this dress are the stripes and angles of the fabric. This kind of dress is going to look great on a lot of different body types. Try it out for yourself! With a dress like this, there are also a lot of different colors you can pull out from the dress with accessories. I chose to play on the orange today.

The other day I noticed something after cleaning up my place. Laundry was done, carpets were freshly vacuumed, everything was in it's place. I can't say that's always the case, as with a lot of people's homes I'm sure! But it was the case that day.

What I noticed was that when everything is clean and in order, my cats are really calm (at least one of them..). Maybe it's because they don't have a sky scraping, Leaning Tower of Pisa in the middle of the room to prance on, or a five star obstacle course on my bathroom counter. Maybe it's because they don't have to play eeney-meeney-miney-moe, to figure out which shoelace to chew off this round. Though all of those things may be the case for my little furballs, I think...I know it has the same affect on me. That Leaning Tower of Pisa sure is tempting...When everything is put away, organized, uncluttered - I can breathe. I can slow down, and enjoy life. Just like my cats.

So I have a recommendation to share, from my cousin Jane, which will help you if you're struggling to keep the house whipped in shape. As you may have heard, it takes 3 weeks to create a habit, and 3 days to break it. So Fly Lady's theory is to create a new habit each month. Obviously there's more to it than that, so check it out for yourself - Fly Lady. People have sworn by this Fly Lady, so it's worth checking out!

Build habits. Don't break them.


The Look ~ With Court, Lisby, & Megan
With the busy pattern this outfit. Brings, let's keep the hair super simple. You the ballerina, or sock  bun that's all the rage? Well the top knot is just as hot and even more simple. Those with thinner or fine hair will love it!! And it is wonderful for those bad hair days, greasy hair days or running late days.

Brush through your hair so it's tangle free. Pull it all on top of your head and loot twist the pony. Then tie it up with a rubber band and pull it a little so it's not too tight. It's supposed to be a messy look so don't let your perfectionism kick in :).

On the Runway

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