Thursday, November 21, 2013


Shirt by Hinge, jeans by Seven for all Mankind, booties by Preview.

So many things to write about and so little time. I am currently sitting here cross-legged with laptop in tow, kitty under one arm, kitty foot hanging over the 'tab' key, front right paw on the mouse with little room for me to type. Kitty ain't got time for no blog.

Dodging paws and kitty foot fur, I shall begin.

First of all, what I'm wearing. There are two great things about this shirt. Furrrrrrst, (oops, kitty just got a hold of the keyboard) it has the collar that is all the rave right now. Though it's difficult to see, there are intricate gem details at the edge of the collar. The second fabulous detail about this top is the print. Prints are very in right now too. I have to say, I'm not a big fan of ALL the prints that are out right now, but there are definitely some keepers. Just remember, if you have a loud statement print, make sure to keep everything else toned down. We don't want to make too many statements ya know!

Affirmation. It's something we thirst. We want compliments, we want people to notice. We want our efforts to be recognized. Whether it's in work, whether it's that we cleaned out the fridge, whether it's that we went out of our way for another person. It's not that the reason we are doing those things is to get noticed, but that in doing them whole-heartedly people will catch us in those moments and take the time to thank us. I guess I'm using the word "we," assuming that you too feel the same way as I do.

I may stand alone. But I will be vulnerable in saying that I need people to notice. Is that selfish? I hope not. If it is, then it's embarrassing that I just opened my big fat mouth...This leads to that special Golden Rule - everything always does...

"Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."

Now this can be used in many contexts. Don't kick your sister because you probably wouldn't want her to kick you either. Pick up your dirty socks in the hallway, because you probably wouldn't want to trip over someone else's. Tell the truth since you would want others to tell you the truth as well. These are all good rules to live by, especially the sock one wants to see/smell/trip over dirty socks. That's the worst. 

But this rule also applies to affirmation. Since we know - there I go using "we" again.. - that as a whole, people feed off of affirmation, then let us all step up and be intentional in noticing others' efforts. We can all then cultivate a culture of affirmation so that we can lift each other up on our good days and bad.

It's affirmative. Give affirmation.


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