Friday, November 22, 2013


Sweater by Kenar, leggings by B.P., fur lined booties by Michael Kors, necklace and earrings from Mapel Boutique (can't remember which brand they are...)

Today is a great day. It's Friday, AND it's the last day before I get a week off from school! I have to say, I don't think students realize this so let's keep it our little secret...

Teachers love breaks even more than students!

I know. It doesn't seem possible, but it's very, very true. If only I could strategically wave a magic wand and zap my report cards complete. #teacherwishlists

I was contemplating what this break was going to look like, and I think I might get crafty with my bad self. I did a trial run with a bib necklace tonight, and I had so much fun, I just might have to do it again (pic below). But I also have piles (folded of course...) of fabric that I've been scheming what I'm going to sew. So far, scarves is all I can think of...So it sounds like I'm going to be making lots of things that go around my neck.

None-the-less, I've decided I'm going to attempt to have less screen time and take more action this break. It was so invigorating to create something and have an end result! I say all of this to encourage you to think about what truly brings you joy. Do those things. Be proactive. Chances are there will be someone willing to join you!

Happy Friday. Get up. Do something. Experience joy.
