Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Top by Ellen Tracy, slacks by BCBG, heels by Report.

Today, I'm going for a more modern look.  I love the print of the top.  And even though it's a little more slouchy, it actually works with these slacks because it's fitted at the waist.  One could definitely get away with a bright colored heel, but I wanted my outfit to be more subdued and casual.

On to bigger and better things.  It's amazing how easily we let someone else's opinion of us define who we are.  One reaction, one slip of the tongue completely changes our own view of ourselves.  This is a tragedy.  We are one against the world, and if we let the world define us, we will never win.  Sure, it's important to listen to the wisdom of others and accept constructive criticism, but to absorb one's opinions into the depths of our blood and let it beat through our hearts indefinitely will kill us. We must separate ourselves from the breath of those with criticism and free ourselves into the mountain air with our own thoughts and realizations.  It is then that we will blossom.

Accept constructive criticism and wisdom.  Not judgements and opinions.


1 comment:

  1. Well said, Jennica. Do not let others nor the world define who we are. Amen to that!
