Saturday, October 12, 2013


I'm honestly not sure what the brands of any of these clothes are and I honestly don't care. Because there are more important things in life today than brands.

In reality, I locked the door to my childhood home for the last time in my life and I cried. 

I cried because I can no longer walk in my house and feel memories beneath my skin with every step. I can no longer step off the porch onto the rich soil, and grab a handful (or ten...) of dew-covered blueberries. I can no longer sit in our family room and gaze into the forest while a blue heron searches for dinner or gracefully flies away into the sunset. And I can no longer hear the coyotes howl in the depth of the night.

I grew up in a home that was as close to God's country as possible without actually living in a measly tent, and I had to say goodbye to that today. I had to view the sun, peering anxiously through the oak tree, waiting for an invitation for the day to start, for the last time.  I had to drive down my gravel driveway, staring in the rear view mirror at a home that had been my home for 17 years and somehow find the words or thoughts to express that emotion. I drove away slower today. And I cried.

Those memories will sing in my mind forever and no one can take those away from me, but I mourn the loss of a dear friend today, my home of thirty years.

Daughter, Sister, Lover of Blueberries and Oak Trees,


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