Monday, October 7, 2013


Top by Grey, boots by Mia.

Sleep.  This weekend, I slept very well.  Though I did have to wake up to an alarm both days, I dozed at least 8 hours both nights. Are you excited for me that I actually got a normal amount of sleep?  Me too...  Now the question is, how do we carry that over into a daily routine?  It's so easy to stay up to watch our favorite shows, check Facebook for the millionth time, or watch the eleven o'clock news. But according to we need to change our habits.  Below are some facts I found when perusing the site.

Tips for Sleeping Smart

  1. Establish a regular bed and wake time
  2. Avoid nicotine altogether and avoid caffeine close to bedtime
  3. Avoid alcohol 
  4. Exercise regularly (but complete the workout at least 3 hours before bedtime)
  5. Establish a consistent relaxing “wind-down” bedtime routine
  6. Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet and comfortable
  7. Discuss the appropriate way to take any sleep aid with a healthcare professional
Now some of these may be obvious but it's a matter of actually acting on it.  Good luck and make sleep a priority in your life, because you will be a better you if you do!

Rest up.


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