Friday, October 18, 2013


    Today is Crazy Sock day here at my elementary school, hence my super awesome outfit.  Today I am wearing all Nike, except who knows where these socks came from but they have swagger nonetheless. 
     Yes and, yes and, yes women, it's so easy to say yes to everyone and everything that comes along our already-beaten paths.  Women have an innate sense to please no matter the cost, emotionally, physically, or cha-ching! financially.  We want to throw the perfect, most glamorous parties, we want to volunteer for everything, we want to help every single person in need on every corner of the planet, and by all means if our kids want hot cheetos and taqis, we will get them enough for a month's supply.  
     These are all great things in moderation, especially hot cheetos and taqis.  However, if we are literally doing all of these things at a mediocre level, maybe we need to ask ourselves if it's worth it.  Maybe we need to only choose a few things to say yes to, and by saying no to the others, we are allowing doors to be opened for someone else whose looking.

10 Signs that you might be in over your head:

  1. You put the milk in the dishwasher and the glass in the fridge.
  2. You've been looking for your reading glasses all day long and finally found them when they fell off your head while leaning over to flush the toilet.
  3. You get the cats ready for school and wonder why they didn't catch the bus.
  4. You find french fries in your car, and you haven't eaten fries since you went paleo before it was a "thing".
  5. When your alarm goes off in the morning, you smack your spouse in the head and hope it turns off.
  6. You showed up late for an interview and didn't even realize you were applying for a new job.
  7. While you were making breakfast, you cracked open an egg into your freshly poured coffee.
  8. For a second, you fantasized about what it might be like to be in jail where they feed and clothe you and you don't have to lift a pretty little finger.
  9. You bought a month's supply of hot cheetos and taqis for your kids and secretly ate the whole supply while the cats - I mean kids - were at school.
  10. You woke up in vegas with a tiger and a baby in your hotel room and you have no freaking idea where they came from or who they belong to.
Ladies, do yourself a favor.  Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.


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