Friday, October 25, 2013


Long sleeve by Mossimo, jeans by Big Star, shoes by Nike.

Nothin' fancy about my outfit today.  The wheels on the bus go round and round and lucky me -  I get to ride a bus on a field trip to the Oregon Gardens tomorrow.  I wanted to be comfortable and warm so I imagine I'll throw a hoodie on, on my way out the door. I wore the yellow tank underneath to tie in with the yellow in my shoes, and wore shorter-length jeans so they don't drag on the ground.  I hate that...

Tonight, thanks to Groupon, I went to see Gravity in 3-D with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. I sat next to them and it was great.  George kept hogging all the popcorn, and you better believe that Sandra can guzzle soda like nobody's business.  She didn't even give me a sip.

Don't worry - I won't give away the ending, or the middle for that matter, because that really throws ya for a loop ;).  But it was interesting to see a movie where, first off, my boyfriend and I admittedly both had crushes on them growing up (to clarify - mainly he had a man crush on George), and to watch a movie with only 2 actors.  Sandra and George must charge a lot - no budget for extras...but what was fascinating to me is that I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire movie.

Clooney threw in his handful of charmer lines and Sandra did her typical panic attack - I was totally sold on it, BTW, but ultimately I can't imagine being in space.  No gravity.  No oxygen.  No peanut butter - at least not easily accessible...No thanks.  It's like sky diving on crack.  "Whattup, yeah just went sky diving the other day.  Epic."  "Cool Bro, well I went to the FREAKING MOON. Boom roasted."  That might be what a typical convo between two bros would look like, comparing thrill rides.

All that to say, when one takes a risk to do something so extreme, there are extreme rewards and potential extreme consequences.  If you really need me to spell it out, death is one of them.  It's kind of a weird thing to think about because ultimately it happens to everyone, and to be honest I think it's one of my biggest fears.  I don't want to die.  It seems so....anticlimactic. It actually is climactic, because bring on heaven sista!  But it's scary because it's an unknown, and you know how us humans deal with unknowns. TERRIBLY!  Life is short.  Live it fearlessly.  Unless doing extreme sports - traveling in space not excluded.


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