Thursday, October 24, 2013


Dress by Yetts, heels by Cole Haan.

This dress is great because I literally don't have to try!  I just slip it on and done-zo.  Step into a pair of heels and I'm out the door. I swear dresses are the best invention ever made.  Ladies, if you don't want to try but want to look like you tried, wear a dress. Nuf said.  Color block is a style that will always be around too. It somehow meshes retro and modern and creates a fashion time warp that everyone wants to be in - but we're not going to meet in the middle in the 90's that's for sure!  90's fashion has done us no good.

So I've come to realize that though I don't teach 4th grade anymore, my favorite subject to teach in fourth grade was social studies. To be honest, the soul reason for it being my favorite is because I got to tell this story about Lewis & Clark...

Loooooooong story short, these two guys went on a journey because Thomas Jefferson bought this land and wanted them to explore it.  They said, "Cool, Thomas.  We'll boat and walk across the whole United States for you and check things out, draw maps, build positive relationships with the Native Americans, and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean so that we can trade lots of cool things and report back to you so that you can get all this recognition."  Then Mr. Jefferson said, "Thanks, get on that ASAP."

So, in 1803, Lewis and Clark took off with their possy (Corps of Discovery) and trekked across the US and found lots of cool things other than a water route to the Pacific Ocean - though they found the Pacific Ocean too.  On the way back from the Oregon coast, Lewis and Clark split off from each other for a little bit to explore more territory. Along with other men, Lewis ended up taking a man from the Corps of Discovery named Pierre Cruzatte. with him. He was known for his ability to speak french and could play a mean fiddle ho-down.  But when it came to hunting, it wasn't his forte.

Lewis and Cruzatte had spotted some elk and decided to go hunting.  Now, if you were to ask me, there's NO WAY I would go hunting with a man who is blind in one eye, and near-sighted in another.  You might as well put a nail through my coffin. Well, Lewis wasn't on his A-Game. They were out trying to hunt the elk and had taken separate routes in attempts of catching dinner. Sure enough, Cruzatte thought he spotted the perfect elk and fired away! Unfortunately, it was the perfect. shot.  He nailed Lewis in the smack dab in the @$$!  Right cheek.  Boom!  Bullet. Dinner caught.  I have to say, after shooting Lewis in a measly attempt to catch dinner, I'm not sure Cruzatte wanted to be grubbin' at the dinner table that night...Dog house FO SHO.

After that, Lewis and Clark started calling "Marco" and "Polo" to find each other and then finished the journey triumphantly together.

The End.

                                                         Consider yourself taught.


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